Friday, December 27, 2019

Intercultural Communication At An Indian Wedding Ceremony

In reference to chapter 1, the term intercultural communication equates similarly to culture communication around the world. Intercultural communication refers â€Å"to communication between persons who have different cultural beliefs, values, or ways of behaving.† (DeVito 40) In order to be more aware culturally, a person should open their mind to new experiences and not be afraid to learn more about a person’s culture. For this assignment, I decided to research a culture that has stark differences than mine which was the: Indian Wedding ceremony versus the Traditional American wedding ceremony. Unfortunately, it was hard for me to attend an Indian wedding so I mainly had to do research for this assignment. The main differences between these weddings had to do with: attire, wedding ceremony, and traditions. A traditional â€Å"vivaah†(wedding) ceremony is known for being quite the extravagant event, which includes: vibrant colors, loud music, and exotic food. B ut before I get into all the wonderful things that happen, first, I will discuss what you should wear at a vivaah ceremony. The bride traditionally wears a sari or lehengas. A sari and lehengas, is â€Å"a garment worn by Hindu women, consisting of a long piece of cotton or silk wrapped around the body with one end draped over the head or over one shoulder. â€Å"( Red, unlike white is the desired color of a sari for the bride. Red symbolizes â€Å"prosperity, fertility and saubhagya (marital bliss).†( InShow MoreRelatedDevelopmental Model Of Intercultural Sensitivity1225 Words   |  5 Pages Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity The Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity is a creation of Milton J. Bennett and is used as a basis to describe the responses of individuals to cultural diversity. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

India Country Profile - 2192 Words

1. General information Facts • Population: 1,080,264,388 (est. 2005) • Area: 3,287,590 sq km • Location: Southern Asia. Neighbours are Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, China, Nepal and Pakistan. It Borders the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal. • Capital: New Delhi • Government type: Federal republic. President: A.P.J. Abdul KALAM • Currency: Indian Rupee = 100 Paise • Language: Hindi is the national language (30% of the population). There are 14 other official languages: Telugu, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Sanskrit and Hindustani. English is the most important language for national, political, and commercial communication. • Religions: Hindu 80.5%, Muslim†¦show more content†¦minimum wages, jobs for everyone and subsidized medical care. The Supreme Court and High Courts, which is located in New Delhi, protects the Fundamental rights of the citizens and interprets the Constitution and other laws. Below is a chart which shows the Hierarchy of the Courts in India: (Using NELLCO Legal Scholarship Repository, 2004) 5. Economy The economy in India comprises modern agriculture, village farming, handicrafts, a wide range of modern industries, and a multitude of support services. Foreign trade and investment, privatization of domestic output has proceeded slowly as the government control has been reduced. The average growth rate of the economy has posted with 6% since 1990. The poverty has reduced by about 10 percentage points. In India there are a large number of well-educated people skilled in the English language, whos becoming a major exporter of software services and software workers. At the moment e.g. the World Bank worries about the continuing public-sector budget deficit, which is running at about 9% of GDP. A big economic and environmental problem is the huge and growing population. The Indian economy is the 12th largest in the world and the third largest in Asia after China and Japan. Of the one billion residents about 320 million have an income that enables them to purchase consumer goods and 25%Show MoreRelatedTBS 920 International Business Strategy :Nokia India Country Strategy1498 Words   |  6 Pagesby: Manoj Gulati - 4130157 TBS 920 – International Business Strategy 1 Curriculum and Business Profile †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Company profile Guest country profile Economic, Cultural and Political Analysis Technological Analysis Entering and functional strategies Marketing Strategy of Nokia in India SWOT PESTEL analysis Recommendations References 2 Company profile †¢ Formed in 1865 by mining engineer Fredrik Idestam in a village named Nokia in Southwestern Finland Read MoreA Statement Of The Problem Of Service Organizations1590 Words   |  7 Pages STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Service organizations play a crucial role in any country. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Why College Athletes Should Get Paid free essay sample

The single most debated topic when it comes to compensating student-athletes concerns whether student athletes should be paid beyond the full cost of attending school. The pay for play doctrine, in which athletes would earn a portion of the revenue they help generate, is a highly controversial topic that has become more popular in recent years. The arguments in favor of pay for play originate from the fact that the players are the reason why the NCAA is able to make television contracts. These contracts include $11 billion over 14 years just for the television rights to March Madness. Without the players of different sports and genders, the NCAA would not exist, let alone be able to sign huge contracts like that. Also, the report on â€Å"The Price of Poverty in Big Time College Sport found statistics that show that these athletes deserve to be compensated. By using NFL and NBA collective bargaining agreements to estimate the fair market value of FBS football and basketball players, the study found that football players attending the University of Texas and basketball players at Duke have enormous fair market values. Football players at Texas have a fair market value of $513,922, while basketball players at Duke have a fair market value of $1,025,656 according to the study. I don’t feel that these players need to be paid that much because that is more than minimum salaries in both professional leagues, but from a business standpoint it isn’t ethical for these athletes to not be paid. Representative Bobby Rush of Illinois attended a congressional roundtable discussion on college sports in Washington, DC and described what the NCAA does as a systemic, ongoing, prolonged abuse of thousands and thousands of innocent young men and women who are only trying to make a life for themselves and live the American dream. Athletes from the football programs of both Ohio State and Miami, which are two programs that have recently got in trouble because their athletes received improper benefits would argue that pay for play would put an end to the black market for paying players. Many argue that these athletes are at school to get an education, but some come from families that could use the extra money for necessities. If these athletes were to get paid to play it could give them an incentive to not sell merchandise and to stay in school and get their degree. Also, Rob Gilmore who is an ESPN college football analyst states that at least 42 of the 119 division 1 football coaches earn more than $1 million per year, but the athletes are the ones out on the field. So if it wasn’t for the performance of the athletes, the coaches would not earn those salaries. When he played for the Ohio State Buckeyes, Terrell Pryor was a superstar of the game. Not only was he one of the best quarterbacks, but overall was one of the best players and that is why him selling memorabilia, was so widely publicized. Like I stated in my introduction, more and more players are selling memorabilia because of necessities that loved ones may need in time of their absence from home. In an article covered by ESPN Terrell Pryor was quoted saying, â€Å"The reason why I did it was to pay my mothers gas bill and some of her rent. I was telling the NCAA, Please, anything that you can do. I gave my mother this so my sister wouldnt be cold, so my mother wouldnt be cold. They didnt have any sympathy for me. † Pryor also told reporters that he sold his pants for $3,000 but friends of Pryor’s said that he made $20,000-40,000 off of autographs. The point is there is going to be stars of the college game that take advantage of their stardom and ones that need the extra help to support their family when they leave for college. By paying these athletes a fair amount you could be doing them a well deserved justice as well as doing away with a lot of the behind the scenes scandals. Not only is paying athletes the ethical thing to do, but when other people benefit from their pay it is possible for the law to be broke. One law that the NCAA violates when profiting of the student-athletes is the right of publicity. The law is defined as â€Å"The right of publicity prevents the unauthorized commercial use of an individuals name, likeness, or other recognizable aspects of ones persona. It gives an individual the exclusive right to license the use of their identity for commercial promotion. † This also shows that the NCAA violates the law by not allowing the student-athletes to profit off their own personas. One example of how the NCAA violates the Right to Publicity is through jersey sales. Up until recently they did this in two ways; one way was selling game worn jerseys to retailors, the other which has been stopped was selling replica jerseys on the NCAA online store. Under the common law of Right to Publicity the NCAA should not be able to sell used jerseys to retailors without consent of the player and should also include some compensation for the sale. The player whose jersey is being sold would not have as high of value if the said player would have never played for an NCAA school. The NCAA uses the success of an athlete or program/school to make a profit on its jersey sales. Contrary to the success of a team where it’s not the name on the back you play for but it’s the name on the front, jersey sales are based more on the name of the player on the jersey or of the player who wore it. This stays true even in professional sport, When Lebron James moved from the Cleveland Cavaliers to the Miami Heat he still stayed in the top 10 in jersey sales. This shows that the player is mainly responsible for how much his jersey is worth and that it is because of his own publicity that he makes money. The other way the NCAA made money from jersey sales was from selling them on the online store. Even though the NCAA ended this in September it is still very relevant. This aspect of jersey sales was brought into the spot light when Texas AM Johnny Manziel football player was put into the spotlight when he was accused of selling merchandise and making a profit, an NCAA violation. When his status as an amateur athlete, which would make him ineligible to compete in the NCAA, was in question; many former NCAA athletes came to the defense of Manziel. One former Duke Basketball player, Jay Bilas, accused the NCAA of being hypocrites when he went on their store and was able to search any players jersey by name and buy it, even though the NCAA is not allowed to use players names in their sale of jerseys. The NCAA suspended their direct merchandise sales in September due to the outrage over the issue. These two examples, selling used jerseys and selling replica jerseys, show that the NCAA was in violation of the Right to Publicly. The NCAA either needs to forego all merchandise sales tied directly to its athletes or they need to offer some compensation for any sales that the NCAA benefits from its athletes. Another way the NCAA violates the right to publicity is in the video games they create partnered with EA Sports. This is currently a hot topic and is being argued in courts. Former UCLA basketball player Ed O’Bannon filed a lawsuit against the NCAA for using his image in a video game. The NCAA and EA Sports currently make video games for football but in the past had made them for basketball and baseball. The video games do not use player names but they do use their numbers and accurately portray player’s skill sets and body types. O’Bannon has gained tremendous support from former athletes saying that they deserve compensation because the NCAA and EA Sports both profited from the players likeness. So far EA Sports has settled for 40 million dollars, which will be distributed between 200,000-300,000 current and former NCAA athletes. The current lawsuit between O’Bannon and the NCAA is ongoing. Many people covering the lawsuit are calling the NCAA hypocritical because they do not allow student-athletes to profit off themselves but the NCAA has taken many steps to make money from the student-athletes, none of which is seen by the student-athletes. The fact that EA Sports settled in its case shows that they understand that the NCAA did something wrong. The fact that the NCAA will not admit to that and still withholds its student-athletes from making money off themselves while he NCAA continues to do so just shows that the system needs to be adjusted to better help the student-athletes. The NCAA is an organization that should be looking out for the best interest of its student-athletes. For the most part the NCAA does this but when it comes to compensation the NCAA needs to adjust. The way the NCAA has treated its student-athletes would rival forms of theft. Between the sale of jerseys and profiting of players personas in video games, the student-athletes should have earned some compensation for being the driving factor behind the revenues made from these two activities. From the examples listed above the NCAA needs to revise its bylaws that deal with players and making money/being compensated. It is not legally and morally correct to be withholding money from student-athletes who had a large part in generating the money.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Sum Of the Parts Essay Example For Students

The Sum Of the Parts Essay If you write one story, it may be bad; if you write a hundred, you have the odds in your favor, Edgar Rice Burroughs lectured young authors. In his case, though, it took far fewer to hit the mark. Tarzan of the Apes, written when he was thirty- six years old, was only the third story Burroughs submitted for publication. It ran in full in the October 1912 issue of The All-Story, taking up virtually the entire magazine. The reception exceeded the wildest dreams of author and editors alike and triggered a phenomenon unprecedented in publishing history. Dazzled readers proclaimed Tarzan one of the best adventure tales ever and pleaded for ore. And so Burroughs Obliged: twenty-three more Tarzan novels over the next third years, plus another fifty non-Tartans, including eleven set on Mars. Six at the center of the Earth, and five on Venus. A formal accounting of Burroughs total sales has never been made, but the most conservative estimate is thirty million books sold during his lifetime; a more generous tally is sixty million. Considering that Burroughs titles have been published in more than thirty languages and given the broad circulation of his stories in magazines and comics, there can be little question that he was the most widely read American author of he first halt of the twentieth century. L had this story from one who had no business to tell it to me, or any other, he begins his chronicle of an orphaned child raised by apes. More truthfully, his tale was guided by a number of distinguishable sources, including the legend of Romulus and Reams, wild children of early Rome; Mowing, the boy raised by wolves in Siblings The Jungle Book; and travelogues of colonial Africa from the end of the nineteenth center)L Burroughs had never heard of Rousseau noble savage or Nietzsche branches, and though he owned a copy of Darnings We will write a custom essay on The Sum Of the Parts specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Descent of Man, he never got much beyond sketching a monkey on the title page. Nevertheless, he had acquired a laymans grasp of one of the burning issues Of the post-Victorian eraand for that matter, every period since. I was mainly interested in playing with the idea of a contest between heredity and environment, he wrote in Writers Digest twenty years after the first publication of Tarzan of the Apes. For this purpose I selected an infant child off race strongly marked by hereditary characteristics of the finer and nobler sort, and at an age at which he could not have been influenced by association with creatures f his own kind threw him into an environment as diametrically opposite that to which he had been born as I might well conceive. Baby Tarzan, as nearly everyone knows, grows up to become lord of the apes, He is a crafty woodsman and a silent stalker. His eyes, ears, and nose miss nothing. He fills his belly by the chase and prefers his meat raw, He backs down to neither man nor beast and does not recognize tear. l know the word, he says in Tarzan and the Leopard Men, but what has it to do with death? Every Tarzan tale is full of stupendous action: mortal combat with apes and lions and rethinking aerial traverses of the middle terraces of the African forest, In its sheer passion, Tartans yell, the victory bellow of the bull ape, is the supreme crib De corer, and his romance with Jane is as primal and star-crossed as those of Romeo and Juliet or Beauty and the Beast. But what many people forget-particularly those more familiar with Metro- Golden-Mayors and Johnny Weissmuller film version Of the Tarzan story is that Tarzan, besides being king of the jungle, is also the son and rightful heir Of Englands Lord and Lady Grottoes, and in the final pages of Tarzan Of the Apes. E must come to terms with his gentility. Loincloth, knife, and bow remain his preferred wardrobe, but he adjusts to tailored suits and cafe society with remarkable ease. In later episodes, he flies a plane, quotes Latin, and oversees English and African estates. Blood-in his case, blue blood-always tells, an axiom that Burroughs stresses in nearly all of his stories. In his sublime synthesis of nature and nurture, Tarzan is as timely as he is timeless. By the turn of the nineteenth century, Americas idol of earthy virtue, the frontiersman, had been crowded out by the decadent city slicker and by a ewe class of immigrants, mostly Mediterranean and Eastern European, who, in contrast to the fin De icicle bourgeoisie, were deemed too uncouth, too thick- wrested to enrich the American commonweal. Enter Tarzan, the embodiment of Teddy Roosevelt strenuous life, a latter-day Leathernecks whose exuberant physicality and solid pedigree provided a welcome antidote to the mongrels modern age. And in short order, he became a superhero, the first pop icon to attain global saturation. As such, he was the forefather of Superman and more recent real-life marvels such as Michael Jordan. Before Tarzan, nobody understood just how big, owe ubiquitous, how marketable a star could be. But while there can hardly be a person on the planet who has not heard of Tarzan, very few are familiar with Edgar Rice Burroughs. Most who recognize the stuffy triple name assume that, like Lord Grottoes, he must be British, when in fact he was a native of Chicago and the founder of-what else?.. Tarzan, California. Despite his enormous appeal, his work is not taught in schools or welcomed in the American canon; as a result, only diehard Burroughs buffs most of whom cherish their collections of Burroughs books and memorabilia like planters from the true crosshave any feel for the clever and complex creator of the centurys most popular hero. One reason for Burroughs undeserved ostracism is the stigma attached to pulp fiction. According to the laws of the cultural jungle, writers like Hemingway or Fitzgerald are literary lions; Burroughs and other paid-by-the-word authors of science fiction, westerns, whodunits, and romantic confessionals are monkeys with typewriters-hacks. Burroughs pretended not to mind his lowbrow status. I dont think my work is ; literature, Im not fooling myself about that, he told the Los Angels Times. Writers of his ilk, he volunteered with a shrug, belong in the same class with the aerial artist, the tap dancer, and the clown. Even so, he tried again and again to break out of the pulp ghetto and place his stories in slicks The Saturday Evening Post, Cosmopolitan, Colliers-where the money and prestige were better. Because Of his low regard for his profession and because he had backed into it at such a late age, Burroughs was always uncomfortable with his accomplishments. If I had striven for long years Of privation and effort to fit myself to become a writer, might be warranted in patting myself on the back, e confessed to his brother George in 1929, but God knows I did not work and still do not understand how happened to succeed. Nevertheless, his imagination was evident from the start. He drew delightful caricatures and wrote clever verse as a young boy, creativity that was curbed by his short attention span and his unshakeable sense that he did not meet the standards of his f ather, Mac. George Tyler Burroughs, a well-to-do Civil War veteran. His academic record was erratic, demotions and dismissals negating any bursts to achievement. He won an appointment to West point only to fail the entrance exert, and he never asset long at jobs, even the ones at which he did well, such as supervising the stenography department at Sears, Roebuck, By the time he started writing in earnest, he did so more out of resignation than avocation. l was sort of ashamed of it as an occupation for a big, strong, healthy man, he confessed. To thrive in the pulp market, where a good rate was a penny a word, a natural flair for storytelling avgas essential. Plots are in the air. All you have to do is reach out and take them, Burroughs said of his knack for spinning yarns With such apparent ease. But without his array of other talents, he might easily have ailed. His energy was titanic, like that Of his fictional heroes. In a morning he could conjure and conquer entire worlds, pecking thousands of words or filling a half-dozen dedication cylinders, even With his children crawling at his feet and creditors buzzing around his ears. More remarkable still was his head for business. .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b , .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b .postImageUrl , .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b , .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b:hover , .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b:visited , .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b:active { border:0!important; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b:active , .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u341f7890986604b5d70c8ebe9141592b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Good God EssayIn 1923, he because one of the very first writers to incorporate, and over the years, Edgar Rice Burroughs. Inc. , grew into a complex organism. Most of his stories were first serialized in inexpensive magazines-known as pulps, for the low-grade paper on which they were printed. After that, they were published in book form. Then the first edition books became popular editions, or cheap hardcovers, the forerunners of paperbacks, This progression was not unusual: most of Jack Loons yarns of the Far North, Zane Grey westerns, and H. Rider Haggard African adventures also appeared in magazines before they became best-selling books. But in one very important respect, Burroughs was in a league all his own. In 1931, he grew weary of having to share his income with he called themand began publishing his own books under the ERE, Inc. , imprint, Still not content with the return on his creative UAPITA, he struck deals to turn Tarzan into a radio show, a daily newspaper strip, a Sunday comic page, and, most lucrative of all, motion pictures. Though marketing experts and syndication agents warned that Tarzan on the radio would compete with Tarzan in the comics or that serial motion pictures would steal audiences from feature motion pictures, Burroughs was convinced that the total would exceed the sum of the parts. As he saw it, there was no such thing as overkill, and well before Walt Disney ever hawked his first mouse ears or Ninja Turtle action figures became film stars, Burroughs was already a grand aster of a concept that would one day be known as multimedia. He licensed Tarzan Statuettes, Tarzan bread, Tarzan ice cream, bubble gum, bathing suits, and puzzles, and he founded a national nonvoter of Tarzan clans to convert American youth to the Tarzan way. Yet for all his ingenuity and diligence, too often his successes were offset by disappointment and liability. With only a couple of exceptions, he never did graduate from the pulps. He failed at two marriages and was obliged to subdivide his beloved Tarzan ranch, paving the way, literally and ironically, for a suburb of drive-ins, drive-thorough, and mini-malls. Despite his extraordinary popularity, he never made a killing on any one deal. Royalty checks came frequently, but they never amounted to more than a few thousand dollars. Even in years when his income exceeded one hundred thousand dollarsmost years it was far lesshis appetites and expenses always seemed to leave him cash poor. He had a weakness for Thoroughbreds and fast cars, and after he met his second wife, Florence, he made the mistake of trying to keep pace with the spendthrift elite of Hollywood and Palm Springs. Nor did it help his pocketbook and peace of mind to be perennially repelling lawsuits, mostly disagreements ever permissions and royalties, or making legal thrusts of his own. And through it all, he had mouths to feed. Florence and her two children were but his latest dependents; his own children, Joan, Hull, and Jack, were on the ERP, Inc. , payroll for much of their adult lives, as were his alcoholic first wife, Emma, his daughters deadbeat husband, Jim Pierce, and his trusted man Friday, Ralph Rotund. Because Of this relentless overhead, he could never afford to Stop writing. The beast had to be fed constantly. Some years he wrote three or four hundred thousand words, four or five books worth. Tarzan, naturally, was his mainstay; he averaged one a year. Yet it would be a mistake to dismiss the other fifty titles as chaff. His painstakingly researched a pair of novels about the Apache warrior Shoo-Dijon are noteworthy for their progressive characterization of Native Americans. The Girl from Hollywood, his autobiographical novel about a California ranch family ruined by booze, dope, and monoplane promiscuity, is an equally fascinating cultural document. He may not have been the first writer to fantasize about Mars, but in light of recent astrophysical evidence suggesting hat life might once have existed there, and Annas pledge to one day land on its surface, Burroughs, who grew up in an era before airplanes or automobiles, deserves a salute for tanning the dream. It is true that some of his stories are duds. They suffer from continuity problems, and the gimmicks are threadbare. But considering how quickly he crafted his plots, most of them are amazingly tight and considered. He imbues each of his worlds, ape or alien, with what H. G. Wells called practical incredibleness. Burroughs visualized them so completely, in fact, that he worked up maps of their kingdoms, sketches of their costumes, and alphabets ND glossaries of their languages, including a comprehensive Ape-English/ English-Ape dictionary. He took particular care in the taxonomy Of monsters and beasts: for instance, the cyclopean Plant Men of Mars have hair follicles the bigness Off large angle-worm and the nose Of a fresh bullet hole that had not yet begun to bleed. (Of the few stories that I have had rejected, he told a fan, gruesomeness was the principal cause. ) In a typical Burroughs tale, the hero is a stranger in a strangulations in the jungle, John Carter on Mars, David Nines in the Inner World, Carson Napier on Venus. He is a warrior by both breeding and training. Repeatedly he is chased, outnumbered by savage hordes, and thrown into a Stygian cell of Zimmerman darkness. Where there i s life there is hope, exclaims John Carter when the going gets roughest, an optimism shared by all Burroughs protagonists, By application to brawn, brains, and valor, he eventually prevails over his adversaries and either makes his way home or else finds a new and better home, Always, too, the leading man is called on to rescue a damsel in distress with whom he inevitably falls in love. Boy meets girl was hardly a new motif by the mime Burroughs got around to employing it, though, remarkably, he was the first to introduce it to science fiction. The submerge would come to be labeled scientific romance In most instances, the object of the heros affections is well-born, beautiful, and though indubitably chaste, often provocatively in some instances, virtually unclad. Deja Theorist, the Princess Of Mars, parades through eleven novels Seminole. Entertainment is fictions purpose, Burroughs insisted time and time again, and he pleaded innocent to disseminating any great truths or spreading any sort of propaganda in his stories. Glib demurrals aside, however, he frequently held forth, usually allegorically but sororities quite overtly, on a wide range of political and social issues. His vicious attacks on Germany during World War in Tarzan the Untamed and The Land That Time Forgot eventually cost him his lucrative German audience. Infected by the postwar Red Scare, he railed against socialism at home and abroad in The Moon Maid and a number of other stories. All to his plots, especially the Tartans, boil down to survival of the fittest, a theme both romantic and political. Burroughs, like so many of his interpolates, believed in a hierarchy to race and class. In the Tarzan stories, blacks are generally superstitious and Arabs rapacious. On Mars, the races descend from a Tree of Life and, like fruit, are color-coded red, green, yellow, and black, Burroughs was obsessed with his own genealogy and was extremely proud of his nearly pure Anglo-Saxon lineage. He came from good stock, a critical ingredient for good standing. He asserters Over time, his fervid appreciation of genetic predetermination led him to the radical fringe of Darwinism: eugenics. At one point, he even wrote a column for the Los Angels Examiner calling for the extermination of all moral imbeciles and their relatives, a doctrine that would soon be trumpeted by Doll Hitler. In an unpublished essay, I See a New Race, Burroughs offered his own Final Solution to the worlds problems. But he was also canny enough to play both sides of the street. Even as he was stressing Tartans and John Carters superior bloodlines, he honored the Legislature notion of the common man pulling himself up by the bootstraps. .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 , .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 .postImageUrl , .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 , .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126:hover , .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126:visited , .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126:active { border:0!important; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126:active , .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126 .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u415cc2acf210cc409ab3f94b62f2b126:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Out line(Joy kogowa Okawoga) Essay ThesisIn 191 1, when he submitted his first Story, A Princess Of Mars, to the Menses family of magazines, he chose the pen name Normal Bean to signify that he saw himself s just a regular fellow, a man of the people. On one hand, he assumed a certain aristocratic detachment from his work; on the other, he attributed his success to the fact that he shared a common weakness with other Americans. Not surprisingly, Mark Twains The Prince and the Pauper was one of his favorite books, and he borrowed Twains trick of role reversal in many of his own stories. Another mentor was Jack London, whose proletarian heroes survive more through grit than through grace. No matter how well-born (or low) one might be, Burroughs realized, no one was perfect, least of all himself. Are the heart and soul of man any better because of civilization, he asked, or is the apparent betterment [of civilization) merely veneer? Indeed, there were periods when Burroughs blithe hauteur failed him entirely, when self-effacement edged toward self-loathing. One of the worst occurred in 1940 and 1941, after he and Greece moved to Hawaii. He had first brought her to AAU on their honeymoon in 1935, after a delicate divorce from his first wife and a bizarre courtship; Florence, a former silent-movie actress, had been married to one Of his business partners and trusted friends. When they returned in April 1940, they were accompanied by Florescences two children, Cary Lee and Lee. Burroughs was turning sixty-five: his Wife was half his age. Back in Los Angels, they had been living far beyond his means, and he had exhausted hamstringing to keep up with her. Once in Hawaii, though, his strength returned and his spirits improved. As the celebrated master of Tarzan, he was welcomed by a loose fraternity of navy and army men with an unlimited quantity of booze on their hands. All my plans for retiring into a hole and pulling the hole in after me have been shot to hell, he joked after one particularly enthusiastic run of revelry. You just cant say no to the people over here. Florence, too, was a welcome addition to the mostly male gatherings, though to hear her tell it, her role soon devolved into chauffeuring her tipsy, sunburned husband home from luaus and wee-hour card games. It anything, she was having trouble keeping up with him. But while Hawaii provided a welcome change of scenery, it offered no escape. Between bridge, cocktails, and sunbathing, Burroughs still had to keep the pages coming By the end of 1940, he had finished Mars, Inner World, and Tarzan manuscripts and avgas commencing a new Venus story. Over a period often days before Christmas, he wrote more than forty thousand words. That month, he, Florence, and the children had moved into the Minimal Hotel in Honolulu, their third address since arriving in Hawaii. They had their CNN bungalow and most of their neighbors were long-term residents. Still, it was by no means a proper home. The rooms were cramped, buggy, and damp, and the family took their meals communally in the hotels dining room. By mid-March, Florence had had enough. On the fourteenth, she and the children sailed for California. Pour months later, she would sue for divorce, citing mental cruelty. Her chief complaint was that Burroughs had made her feel old, or, contrarily, that because she was thirty years younger, he had made a show of acting more youthful. UT had succeeded only in behaving childishly. She, however, was not entirely exempt from blame herself. Money was always an issue with her: the De Burroughs she had first been attracted to was a natty, venerable, and, she assumed, prosperous gentleman. According to Burroughs allies, she was crestfallen when he informed her that they had to hold their expenses, including .NET, to two hundred and fifty dollars a month, which w as all the salary he was drawing from ERP, Inc. , in 1941. With money, he was doubtless a father figure, potent and protective. On a budget, he was just another bald, slightly overweight old man, Alone for the first time in forty years, Burroughs became a virtual shut-in, hiding behind the drawn blackout curtains of his Minimal bungalow and talking to no one for days. An old bladder problem flared up, and he was hospitalized. He suspected he was dying. Somehow he managed to keep plugging away at The Wizard of Venus, though is introductory paragraph reads like a note in a bottle. I believe it was Roy Chapman Andrews who said that adventures were the result Of incompetence and inefficiency, the storys hero, Carson Napier, declaims. If that be so, must be the prize incompetent of two worlds; for I am always encountering the most amazing adventures. It seems to me that I always plan intelligently, sometimes over meticulously; and then up jumps the Devil and everything goes haywire. However, in all fairness, I must admit that it is usually my fault. I am rash. Take chances. Now that that is stupid. The thing that reflects most discredit upon my intelligence is the fact that oftentimes I know the thing am about to do is stupid, and yet go ahead and do it, gamble with Death; my elite is the stake. Burroughs was writing about the blunder that had first steered Carson Nippers spaceship in the direction of Venus, but he was also reflecting on his own decision to move to Hawaii, where his elite was now very much in jeopardy. He might easily have perished in Honolulu if two events had not intervened. One was the arrival of his son Hull} on an undisguised mission of mercy. The second was an event that changed millions of lives besides his own, though he was among the few who witnessed it firsthand. Unlike his fictional alter-egos, Burroughs had never been to war, He had been a cowboy and gold miner in Idaho and served in the United States Cavalry in Arizona. He had sailed through the Panama Canal, but never set foot in Africa, a continent he virtually owned in the popular imagination. He wrote about action, but his published words spoke louder than his own experience. All the interesting things in my life never happened, he once confessed to an editor. l am always late for the thrill. Always get to the fire after it is out. until Sunday, December 7, 1941. That morning, Burroughs and Hull woke early to play tennis but were distracted by the sound of what they believed to be antiaircraft practice. They soon learned the truth: the Japanese were bombing Pearl Harbor. That night, Burroughs and Hull patrolled the waterfront as volunteers in a civilian guard, and over the next four years, Burroughs made three trips to Pacific war zones and enjoyed the distinction of being the oldest American correspondent to cover World War II. His dispatches were not widely read, and he was far from a hero. Still, the tours of duty made up for a lot: his disillusionment as a cavalryman, his rejection by the Rough Riders in 1898, his relegation to the reserves during World War l, and the general sense of qualified achievement that had nagged him for most of his career. He had never explicitly yearned for his life to imitate his art; just the same, it finally did If writing Tarzan of the Apes had been the first big turning point in his life, World War II was the second and, in away, it was the climax, as well. After the war, Burroughs returned to California, where he was at long last reunited with his children and grandchildren.