Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Management Reflection Paper free essay sample

At Stanford’s commencement speech, Steve Jobs mentioned that one realizes how the dots in life connect to a whole afterwards, emphasizing the fact that a career is not merely a goal in life but rather a progress of different occupations. It is important to realize that a career is a progression of jobs and not just one job at a certain point. Although it is hard to plan one’s career ahead, unable to predict where one will be in the distant future, it is possible to at least vaguely design what type of occupations one would like to go through. In this regard, I wish to become a leader in the cell phone industry since I am very interested in the technology behind cell phones and also how people interact with them. To achieve this â€Å"goal,† I propose a career path that includes various jobs that will aid in achieving this goal. We will write a custom essay sample on Management Reflection Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Initially, I would like to set my first â€Å"dot† as a developer of cell phones at Samsung Electronics. Samsung is relevant to my goal in my early career because of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. With regards to intrinsic motivation, I can learn technology from there that will aid in starting my own company in the future. The reason that I picked Samsung over numerous other companies is because it has the most advanced cell phone technology in the world. Recently, Samsung launched a new smart phone called Galaxy S3. According to consumers who are using Galaxy S3, they evaluate it as the most advanced smart phone in the world. In comparison to the competing model, Apple’s iPhone, they comment that it is more comfortable, has a wider screen, and has a faster processor. Working at Samsung also fulfills my extrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation, by definition, is a motivation that is based on external factors such as social status, financial returns, and also the will to avoid punishment. The reason that working at Samsung fulfills my extrinsic motivation is that it is one of the highest paying companies relative to its competitors. This does not mean that I am only in for the financial returns. The positive side of this is that by having the background of working at a highly credible company, it builds up my personal financial credibility. When it reaches the point where I would like to start my own company, having high credit will facilitate the process of acquiring funds required to finance my company. Although it may be difficult to evaluate myself during the progression to my â€Å"goal,† it is essential to judge myself periodically so that I do not derail myself from the original design of my career. There are multiple ways to do this. I would approach this problem by evaluating how much I am making use of both my intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. In terms of intrinsic motivation, as mentioned earlier, I would like to learn the technology of making cell phones so that I can develop my own technology later on. While working at Samsung, I may develop a core technology that goes into making the CPU that is used in a cell phone. Or maybe I could invent a new type of screen that is applied to cell phones. These achievements may evaluate how much I utilized my intrinsic motivation. The second â€Å"dot† will be working as a designer at Apple. Apple is relevant to my goal in my mid career because of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, too. With regards to intrinsic motivation, I can learn design from there that will help me to start my own company in the future. The reason that I picked Apple instead of many other companies is because I believe it has the most advanced cell phone design in the world. Recently, Apple produced a new smart phone called iPhone5. According to consumers who are using iPhone5, they evaluate it as the best designed smart phone in the world. In comparison to the competing model, Samsung’s Galaxy S3, they said that it is nicer-looking, has thinner size, and has a cute trademark. Working at Apple also fulfills my extrinsic motivation. The reason is that it is one of the highest paying companies relative to the competitors as I mentioned Samsung above. Same as Samsung Electronics, working at Apple has a positive side of having the background of working at a highly credible company, and it will build up my personal financial credibility, too. Also, I can earn lots of money which I need for starting my own company. In terms of intrinsic motivation, as mentioned earlier, I would like to learn the design of making cell phones so that I can create my own design later on. While working at Apple, I may create a core design that goes into new iPhones in Apple. Or maybe I could invent a new type of trademark or new color of design that is applied to cell phones. These could be used to evaluate me with achievements and how much I make the best use of my intrinsic motivation. With the experience I gained from the two early and mid stage jobs, I plan to use my knowledge to start my own cell phone company. Although it is close to impossible that I can achieve all this by myself, the broad knowledge will help me to get involved in a variety of processes that go into developing a new phone. Also, the network of professionals that I will gain from working in both companies can definitely help me in getting the right people involved in my new company since a company is surely not a one-man business. The startup company will bring both my intrinsic and extrinsic motivations together. One should be careful to mention that this stage will be my final destination, but it surely will be a compilation of the planned â€Å"dots. † As mentioned earlier, it is very difficult to see how the â€Å"dots† connect with each other at an early stage in life. But with careful planning and sticking to the plan, I believe that it will help me achieve my goal.

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